Billions of dollars are spent every year on beauty products, and we often treat our skin from the outside, but our skin is our body's largest organ, and a large part of its health comes from taking care of it from the inside.  

     Each of us is imperfectly perfect and it's nothing but natural to collect a scorecard of pimples, scars, and wrinkles over the years. Being kind and compassionate to ourselves is one of the greatest acts of self-love and kindness that we can practice but at the same time, it can also be incredibly challenging when we feel like our skin is just not cooperating. 

  Certain factors influence our skin like aging, hormones, and genetics. These things might often be out of control, but NUTRITION is one of the things that is in our control, and it plays a major role in our skin health. So, today we are going to dive into some common skin concerns and how we can consider food to help shower our skin with love from the inside out. 


Our skin has several layers, and we want the structure of these layers to be strong for firmness and elasticity. Collagen is the main structural protein that helps to support our skin because it creates a fibrous network that reinforces the tissue, so it gives our skin a firm and smooth appearance. Unfortunately, as we age our body makes less collagen and it gets more easily broken down and as a result, we start to lose about one percent of the collagen in our skin per year. 

    Let's explore three ways in which we can support our skin's collagen through our food choices. 

Foods rich in Collagen

Beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds are full of protein which helps to ensure that our body has enough building blocks that it needs to create collagen. But what happens if the existing collagen gets damaged which happens mostly from excessive sun exposure or when there are too many free radicals in our body. Then we are supposed to take foods that are rich in Vitamin C and E. They are the key to repairing damaged collagen and help stimulate collagen production.

    Food sources that are rich in Vitamin E are almonds, sunflowers, seeds, leafy green vegetables, peanuts and avocadoes. While Vitamin C is present in citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit, or lime and in vegetables e.g., bell peppers and broccoli. 


When our body sustains an injury or a wound, our body quickly tries to heal it. Zinc plays an essential role in this whole healing process because Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties which are really useful in the management of skin conditions like acne, eczema, or rosacea. 

     Food sources that are rich in zinc are nutritional yeast, seeds, especially pumpkin or sesame, legumes like beans, lentils, and whole grains. It's important to soak our whole grains, beans, and nuts before consuming them. It increases the ability to absorb zinc better.


If you have ever experienced dry skin, you already know how it feels. Our skin can dry out for several reasons for example exposure to dry air, prolonged exposure to hot water, abrasive soaps, and medications. 

      One of the main ways we can hydrate our skin is by using the right moisturizer that we are putting on the skin. But when it comes to what we are putting inside of our bodies, Fats can really help especially Omega 3 fats. Omega is very important because it helps to improve our skin barrier function which helps our skin better hold on to water. 

Plant foods that are rich in omega-3 fats include walnuts, hemp seeds, chia seeds, ground flax seeds, and even Omega supplements. Drinking enough water can also help with skin hydration but only if you are dehydrated. 


Sebum is an oily substance that makes our skin greasy and oily. If our skin is creating sebum in abundance, then it increases the chances of developing blackheads and acne. Natural fluctuations in our hormones can impact our sebum level and it's suspected that our food choices especially diets, that are rich in sugar and dairy products can also have a major effect on the production of sebum. 

Foods that turn into sugar at a slower rate in our bodies are called low-glycemic foods. These can have positive impacts on our skin and are mostly found in veggies, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. In short, we should consume more whole plant-based foods while limiting the excess of high glycemic sugary foods such as sweetened beverages, refined grains, and sweets. 

Eat Enough Protein and Vitamin C 

Protein and Vitamin C are both really important for the skin of our health as they help in building blocks for collagen which our skin is made of. As we already have mentioned, the stronger and firmer the collagen the more are the chances of you having healthy and youthful skin. 

    Foods that are rich in Vitamin C are mostly citrus fruits including Oranges, limes, grapefruits, and lemons. Vegetables include white potatoes, capsicum, red peppers, and broccoli.

Proteins are found in lentils and seeds like pumpkin and hemp seeds, Meat includes ground beef, salmon fish & low-calorie shrimp, Eggs, and Whole milk. 


There is not any miracle food or drink that you consume and instantly have clear and glowing skin. But if you are consistent with a particular routine or a particular diet that works best for you, then you definitely going to have changes in your skin's health. 

Also do remember that many factors influence the health of our skin such as hormones, genetics, stress, and medications. But a nutritious and well-balanced lifestyle and diet play an important role in maintaining overall health. The key nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and veggies, vitamins, and minerals.Â