Staying hydrated is vital for good health and glowing skin specially in summers. Adding some healthy ingredients to your usual water will not only enhance the taste but help you to clean and detox your system. Detox water helps you get energized, gives you a flatten belly and clear skin. It also helps in digestion and boost metabolism. So, today we are going to share 8 tasty and healthy detox water recipes. These detox water recipes will boost your metabolism, eliminate toxins and will uncover a new you. Keep scrolling till the end!

1) Lemon & Rosemary water: 

How to make:
Cut 1 lemon, put some rosemary and add 1 teaspoon full of chia seeds to 1 liter drinking water. Keep them for about 2-3 hours and you can drink it throughout the day at anytime. 

Vitamin C and antioxidants in lemon promote good digestion. Rosemary helps in absorption of glucose and therefore maintains low blood sugar level which can reduce hunger. Chia seeds enhance the digestive health and metabolism. 

2) Cinnamon, Apple and holy basil water: 

How to make:
Take 2-3 apple slices, 2 sticks of cinnamon of about 1 inch each, and 3-4 holy basil leaves. Drop all of these ingredients in 1 liter water.

Cinnamon increases your body's capacity to produce heat and therefore, helps to burn more calories. Holy Basil is a miracle herb which not only just detoxify the body but also increases metabolism. Apples are low in calories and high in fiber, making an excellent choice for those who are aiming for weight loss. 

3) Zucchini, Celery & Orange water: 

How to make:
Cut half a zucchini into slices, chop 3-4 celery stalks and add these to 1 liter water. Also add some slices of whole orange. And your detox drink is ready. Keep them for about 2-3 hours and you can drink them throughout the day. 

Oranges are excellent for maintaining good health as well as cleanses your digestive system. Celery is a low-calorie vegetable which is packed with a lot of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin K and Vitamin C. Zucchini is a very good source of hydration as it has high water content. 

4) Starfruit, Lemon & Peppermint Water:

How to make:
Cut 1 starfruit into small pieces, slice one whole lemon and take 3-4 peppermint leaves. Put all of these into 1 liter water and your tasty detox water is ready. 

Starfruit is tasty and low calorie. It prevents person from excessive eating and prevents fat. Lemons are effective in detoxifying body and helps in metabolism. It is also very helpful in weight loss. Peppermint has a powerful aroma which reduces food craving.

5) Lemon & Cucumber Water: 

How to make:
Let the cucumber and lemon slices mingle and infuse into this water for about 3-4 hours. This allows the flavor to blend. You can drink this either in mid-morning or early evening.

Cucumber has many medical healing properties for our body. When it comes to losing weight, cucumbers are light on calories and heavy on nutrients. It's a healthy snack and it's a great choice to lose pounds. Cucumbers help to detoxify the body and it will remove harmful toxins. Cucumbers help aid the liver in cleaning up the blood, helping the toxins get out of your system.
      When it comes to hydration, our body consists of 65-70% water and cucumbers consist mostly of water. So, for people who don't drink much water, cucumbers are one of the most hydrating foods that you can put inside your body. 

6) All spice infusion
Ingredients you need:
  • 2 cups of water
  • Half piece cinnamon
  • 1 clove
  • Half stick of ginger
  • A pinch of turmeric & black pepper
  • 3 curry leaves
  • Raw honey
  • Lemon
Take water in a bowl, mix all the ingredients except lemon, honey and turmeric. Mix it and let it rest overnight. Remove the infusion in the morning and then add a pinch of turmeric, one tablespoon full of honey and a spoon of lemon juice. Mix it and drink it.

  This drink gives us most benefit, as it is anti-inflammatory and high in nutrition. Spices are best in prolonging our internal metabolic balance and it is prevalent in abundance in this drink. 

7) Apple Cinnamon detox drink:

  • Two organic apples
  • Two cinnamon sticks
  • One neem leaf
  • One holy basil leaf
Cut the apples into large chunks. Keep the skin on. Fill a jar with apple chunks, add cinnamon sticks, neem leaf and holy basil leaf, and fill this jar with water. Let it sit overnight and drink it in the morning. 

8) Coriander & mint water: 

  • Half cup mint leaves
  • Half cup neem leaves
  • Coriander
  • Water
  • Lemon
In a half cup of water, add all of these leaves to blend to get a smooth mixture. Strain the mixture out and add one whole lemon into it and mix well. You may have this drink at the time your body suits the most. Try to make it fresh whenever you have to drink it. 

   Neem not only has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal property but can also remove harmful toxins from your blood by helping your liver and kidney. The chlorophyll in coriander and mint leaves cleanses our blood. Lemon efficiently balances your ph. level, removes toxins and cleanses your digestive tract. Water is also known as the best purifier of blood and that's why it is also advised to drink sufficient water.
       This drink revitalizes and energizes you to kick start the day. Cinnamon is proven to reduce weight and maintain blood sugar level while apple provides vitamin and minerals. 
   Any one of these 8 detox drinks can be had during early morning or late evening. You may sip them at once or any time during the day. For all these recipes, remember to allow the water to be infused for minimum 3-4 hours with the ingredients preferably in a glass jar. When it is ready, remove the solid content and drink rich, refreshing detoxifying water for losing unnecessary weight.