Skin aging is a natural process, and the sign of skin aging is seen in the form of wrinkles, basically on the hands and face. Even though it is an age-related change, certain reasons can lead to the development of wrinkles at the early age. Since we use our hands so often, so grease and suppleness go away very fast from them. This can also happen due to the delicate skin on our hands. 
      There are few more factors that contribute to the wrinkles in hand.

Causes of Wrinkles
  • Excessive hand washing
  • Dehydration
  • Repeated exposure to chemicals
  • Everyday household chores
  • Over exposure to the sun
All these factors make your skin very dry and prone to wrinkles. Let us get ahead to some of the homemade remedies which you can use onto your hands and face, to make them smooth and healthy.

Remedies for wrinkles

1) Banana & Aloe Mask
This nourishing hand mask is one of the best to use. It is an instant moisturizer and can be prepared in few minutes. 
Aloe Vera contains Vitamin E, which aids in healing skin damage and results in a healthy glow. Banana helps to hydrate dull and dry skin. It contains Vitamin A which helps to fade dark spots and prevents aging. Olive Oil boosts collagen production in the skin. 

  • 1 Banana
  • 1 tablespoon Aloe vera gel
  • 1 tablespoon Olive oil
Take a ripe banana and mash it well, then add 1 tablespoon full of aloe vera gel and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. If you do not have olive oil, then you may use other oil coconut oil, jojoba oil, almond oil etc. Once this paste is prepared, apply a generous amount of this paste all over your hand, especially on the palm and back of the palm. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. 

       Try this amazing hand pack and you will see tremendous difference on your skin. You can use it 2-3 times a week. 

2) Exfoliate for Radiant Skin
Exfoliation is a very crucial start to help the skin. Exfoliation or scrubbing of skin, helps to remove dead cells and dirt from skin. It also helps to reveal the hidden glow of skin. Exfoliating once a week can keep your hands healthy, clean and radiate very easily. You can use easily available ingredients in your skin to make a scrub.

How to exfoliate:
Take sugar crystals and coconut oil and mix it well. Apply in a circular motion on the skin for 10 minutes and then wash it off. This scrub will make your hands smooth; it would really nourish your skin and make it glow. 

Another excellent scrub could be rice flour and rose water. This scrub will also make your skin radiant and healthy looking. 

3) Exercises to Firm Hand Skin
Exercises make the skin of our hands firm and healthy. Nowadays the excessive use of fingers and thumb is on our mobile and all the other electronic gadgets. But because of this, our palms and hands do not get enough exercise at all, nor do we consciously remember to stretch our palms and hands, all this can lead to skin sagging and wrinkles. 

        Hand exercises has the potential to stretch the muscles, hands and skin. One simple hand stretch is to close your fist very tightly, when you do this, you are indirectly pressing the acupressure point on your palm, hold it for some time and then release it, then there will be a gust flow of blood in the palm region, this stretch can also be done more systematically with inhalation and exhalation. Take a deep breath, inhale and close your wrist tightly, and then exhale tightly again, stretch it strongly and release your fist - do this 10 times in 1 go, and repeat it very often during the day. It will surely help to prevent the wrinkles and sagging of your skin. 

4) Anti-Aging Vitamins
     Below are some essential anti-aging vitamins with their benefits: 

Vitamin A: It helps to maintain the health of your skin and increases the formation of collagen. It also helps to minimize fine lines and the appearance of wrinkles. Eat sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli. spinach and all other leafy vegetables as they are rich in Vitamin A. 
Vitamin C: It prevents the early formation of wrinkles, as well as dryness of the skin. Vitamin C can be found in berries like strawberries and blueberries & citrus fruits like oranges and lemon. 
Vitamin D: Deficiency of this vitamin can result in skin damage very quickly when exposed to the harsh sun. Therefore, it is very essential to have enough Vitamin D in your body. Remember to take early morning sunrise on your body to prevent deficiency of Vitamin D in your body. Also include Vitamin D products such as soya milk, cheese, yoghurt and mushroom. 

5) Stress

Tension is a very big factor to bring aging fast, so try to avoid stress and tension form your life. Not only it can cause wrinkles on your face but it is also the major cause of pimples. 

       In conclusion, the journey to reducing wrinkles is an aggregate including both skincare routines and lifestyle choices. By having a healthy routine such as sleeping on time, getting hydrated, protecting your skin from UV rays and taking care of your hands and skin, you won't be only reducing wrinkles but also nurturing your skin's overall health. 

Remember, the key lies in patience and consistency. Results aren't going to happen overnight. But with dedication to the above practices, you're investing in the long-term radiance of your skin. So here's to a future with fewer wrinkles and beautiful skin. Cheers to happy, healthy and beautifully aging skin.