A feeling of dry skin is the first indicator that winter has arrived, cold climate has arrived. Harsh weather, environmental factors, and sometimes even our daily habits can leave our skin feeling parched and uncomfortable. We start to feel rough skin, rough texture and scaliness. Looking after your skin is very important especially in winter. Not following the skincare routine can cause irritated skin, cracked skin, itching, burning and redness.

     Let's first understand the causes of dry skin:

Causes of Dry Skin

1) Poor Nutrition: If nutrition is not correct, if your body doesn't have natural oil then skin will also become dry.

2) Genetics: You are born with that skin, but it can be handled.

3) Extreme Temperature: Absolute heat outside, absolute cold outside, extreme temperature creates problem.

4) Pores: We have a lot of pores on our skin through which secretion takes place and where dead bodies are thrown out. When these pores get clogged, because dead skin cells remain on the pore and don't come out which is the main reason of dry skin.

Now let's get ahead to read how we can treat our dry skin and make it feel super soft and supple

How to treat dry skin:

1: Hydration, inside and out:

First things first - hydration is key. Ensure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated from within. Additionally, try a soothing DIY hydrating face mask. Mix honey, yogurt and aloe vera gel, and apply it to your face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water to reveal plump and moisturized skin.

2: Body Mist

Body mists are quick remedies for dry skin and it keeps the skin hydrated throughout the day. Spraying plain water on your skin will make skin more hydrated and tighter. Hence the moisturizing agent should be added in the body mist. 

      Try a homemade face mist which is very easy to make. It is very helpful for people with sensitive and extremely dry skin.

How to make:

Take four to five hibiscus flowers. In that, add glass of water and boil it four 10 minutes. Then cool and strain the liquid, and then mix teaspoon of rose water in it. Fill this liquid in a spray bottle and carry it with all the time. Spray every 2 to 3 hours or whenever you feel your skin is dry.

3: Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is beneficial for both combination and dry skin type. It's a moisturizing property that helps your skin to retain water and thus prevent skin dryness because jojoba oils help balancing your skin's natural oil. It is also an anti-inflammatory and anti- microbial. 

      Apply Jojoba oil after shower, it would help to treat dryness, flaky, redness, itchiness and other problems. Apart from jojoba oil, coconut oil and almond oil are a few excellent oils for dry skin and condition that causes dry skin such as eczema.   

4: Oatmeal baths

Pamper your skin with an indulgent oatmeal bath. Oatmeal has both dermatological and cosmetic benefits. It cleanses, moisturizes, soothes and protects the skin. It is rich in carbohydrates, vitamin e, lipids and a wealth of antioxidants. Grind oats into a fine powder and add them to your warm bath. Soak for 15-20 minutes. The natural lipids in oats will soothe and moisturize your skin, leaving it feel soft and supple.

5: DIY Honey Scrub

Exfoliation is essential for removing dead skin cells that can make your skin appear even drier. There is no other better exfoliating ingredient than honey. Honey is natural ingredient which plays a major role in keeping your skin acne free and soft. It also contains antioxidants and enzymes which helps to heal your skin. 

     Honey is also a natural humectant which means that it helps to lock moisture into the skin. It has anti bacterial properties that can help prevent infections and soothe inflammation. Create a simple honey scrub by mixing honey and sugar. Gently massage it onto your face using circular motions, then rinse off for instantly smoother skin.

6: Avocado magic:

Avocado is not just a delicious snack - it's also a powerhouse for skin hydration. It is rich in healthy fats and vitamins that deeply moisturize and nourish your skin. Avocados have the ability to enhance your skin tone after including then into your own DIY face masks. They can also help with retaining moisture and calm swelling. Make a ripe avocado and apply it as a mask.

8: Cucumber:

Cucumber is a natural astringent that can help to tighten and tone the skin. It can also contain antioxidants that can help to protect the skin from damage. Cucumber has a high-water content that can help to moisturize and soothe dry skin. Simply slice a cucumber and place the slices on the affected are for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.     

9: Gentle Cleansing Routine

Harsh cleansers can strip your skin of essential oils, aggravating dryness, opt for a sulfate free and gentle cleanser to cleanse without over-drying. Remember to wash your face with lukewarm water, as hot water exacerbates dryness.

10: Overnight Magic

Give your skin an overnight treat by applying a thick layer of your favorite moisturizer before bed. For an added boost, cover your face with a clean, damp cloth for a few minutes to allow the moisturizer to penetrate deeply. Wake up to plump and revitalized skin. 

    Here's how to make your own homemade moisturizer easily:

Take fresh peels of orange and add one tablespoon of rose water into it. Blend these things in a jar. This paste should be applied all over your face and neck. Keep it for 15 minutes and then wash it off. Orange peel has collagen as well as elastin which is very good for skin since orange peels have antibacterial properties, they fight acne causing germs and helps to have a clear skin.

11: Humidify your space:

Invest in a good humidifier to maintain optimal indoor humidity levels. This prevents your skin from losing moisture to dry indoor air, especially during colder months.


Consistency is key when incorporating above remedies into your routine. Choose the one that resonate with you and make them a part of your self-care regimen. By embracing these natural solutions, you'll soon notice your skin transforming from dry and lackluster to hydrated, radiant and glowing.