A healthy bouncy hair is beautiful to look at. It is like an ornament of your face, which glorifies your look. People start to get stressed when they start to have hair fall, they feel that they will get bald or have pretty much less hair. 

But keep in mind that a hundred strands of hair fall everyday which is very natural. Because the body knows what is weak to thrown away then only a new and strong can come. 

      Let us first understand what causes excessive hair loss: 

What causes hair fall?

We experience hair fall when our blood becomes dirty. And when it gets dirty, it becomes heavy and is unable to reach up to our head. When the blood circulation is cut off, then our hair doesn't receive the necessary nutrients and they start falling. When we eat food that doesn't come directly from mother nature - fried, roasted, over spicy foods, biscuits, noodles, snacks, packaged and bottled foods, digesting them is very difficult for human body. All these foods get stuck to the walls of our intestines and turn into waste. And whatever is stuck into them, they send it to our bloodstream which pollutes our blood. It becomes heavy and can't reach up to our head. This causes hair fall and hair breakage.

   Now let's ahead to some ways by which we can solve this problem. There are 4 steps which we are about to share religiously. By following those steps, within 3 months you won't be identified by your falling hair, but your shiny and bouncy hair. You will comb your hair without hesitating, wash your hair thinking twice, whether it's the bathroom floor or rubber band, you will stop seeing fallen hair. The hair you've lost will grow back and people will ask you the secret for your lush hair. 
   Come let's move onto our 4-step hair reversal plan: 

1: Fasting

Fasting is a super-fast way to take out the waste from your body. This method activates your body to go into a full cleaning mode. This is a 16-hour fasting. Every night, you have to give your stomach a break for 16 hours. If you have dinner at 7 pm, don't eat anything till 11 am the next day. If you have dinner at 6 pm, don't eat anything till 10 am the next day. It sounds very difficult but is actually very simple when you follow it, because you will be sleeping through most of these 16 hours. 

        When you keep eating the whole day and night, your energy is absorbed in digesting and eliminating it. Your body gets no time for cleaning. But within 2-3 days of starting 16 hour fasting, your body will start cleaning itself, the waste in your blood starts leaving the body and your blood can freely circulate up to your head. Soon your hair will start growing back again.

2: Wet Pack

To stimulate hair growth and blood circulation, this step is extremely important. Basically, you have to take a cotton cloth and dip it in cold water. Wrap it around your waist, neck and forehead. Apply it for at least 30 minutes. 

What happens when you apply wet pack?
It maintains 2 different temperatures in your body- cold where you have applied it, and the rest of your body warm. According to mother's nature laws, whenever we maintain 2 different temperatures in an area, the blood circulation increases there. The blood that wasn't able to circulate earlier, will be able to circulate and reach your head easily after applying wet pack. Hair fall will stop automatically. You have to use wet pack every day for 21 days once in the morning and once in the evening. Avoid using this wet pack in cold season. 

Now we have cleaned our blood from inside. But what do we take in now? Let move onto our 3rd step which is about a type of food which is filled with many minerals and multivitamins that your hair need. This food can even break the impact of bad genes and has the strength to fix your hair. Let's talk in more detail about this food:

3: LWPW Food

L means living food. Eat food that has life in it, such as fruits, vegetables, sprouts, grains and coconut. Dead food that is packed, bottled and boxed pollutes our blood and does not allow our hair fall to stop. On the other hand, living foods have the ability to grow things. Hair growth becomes much faster. 

W means wholesome. Eat food which nature gives us. Avoid eating refined foods such as white rice, wheat without the bran, white sugar, refined flour and oil. Instead of this, eat wholesome foods - brown rice, wheat with the bran, coconut kernel, dates and jaggery. When you eat refined foods, your hair will never get the nutrients it needs to grow back. 

P means plant based. We should avoid all foods that comes from animals - meat, fish, egg, milk or any milk product. Digesting milk and milk products is very difficult and makes our blood heavy and thick.

W means water-rich. This means that we should eat food that is juicy as much as possible. Try juicing a cucumber and see how much juice you can get from it. Do you think you can ever get a juice from bed? No! because it has no juice at all. Water rich food does the job of cleansing your body. It removes toxins and waste and makes your blood lighter. 

 After following all these 3 principles then your new diet plan should be something like this:

Diet Plan

  1. After waking up in the morning, have a vegetable juice. The best is ash gourd juice. You can have coconut water too.
  2. For breakfast, you can eat a plate full plate of fruits. The best practice is to eat one fruit at a time. 
  3. For lunch, you can have a grain meal. But it should have less grain and more vegetables.
  4. For lunch, have salad or soup. If you want, you can switch your lunch and dinner meals.

4: Sunbathing

Just like how the leaves of the plant of a sunlight start falling, similarly our leaves - our hair start withering and falling. Sunlight goes straight to your scalp. If you want lush and strong hair, you must expose your body to sunlight everyday.

How to do Sunbathing?
Simply lie down under the sun for 15 minutes every day wearing minimal clothes. Allow the sunlight to fall on your scalp along with the rest of your body. Do Sunbathing only in the evening or morning, as the light of the sun falls on your body and your blood circulation increases which aids in the ability to grow hair back faster. 

Which Shampoo should you apply?

Do you know the skin of our scalp is a lot thinner than the skin on the rest of your body? Now turn your shampoo bottle around and read it, what does it say? Names that you can't even pronounce. All these chemicals are absorbed through our scalp skin and weaken it. This accelerates your hair fall. 
     If no shampoo, then how else should you wash your hair? We have brought the best herbal shampoo for you. It is really simple to prepare, and it cleanses your hair thoroughly. You can prepare it once and store it for the next 3 months.


  • Acacia Concinna (Shikhakai) 200 mg
  • Amla 200 mg
  • Chinaberry (Retha) 200 mg
  • Flaxseed 200 mg


First you have to make a powder of all the above ingredients. Take a big bowl and add 3 liters of water to it. Now add the powder and mix well. Boil this mixture on high flame for some time. Turn flaxseed into powder and put into the boiling mixture. After adding flaxseed, add another 1.5 liters of water to it. Allow it to boil and keep mixing it properly in between. Switch off the flame when it has gel-like consistency. Filter the mixture while it's hot. Place a cloth over a bowl and filter the mixture by adding it slowly to it. It's important to filter while it's hot. So all-natural herbal shampoo is ready!

       When you all these 4 steps together, you'll see the work that expensive medicines and serums failed to do, is being accomplished so easily by the 4 elements of mother nature.Â