Lemons have always been a part of our diet. We use them to add flavors to our food, or to make refreshing lemonade in summers. They also help to build immunity system as they are high in Vitamin C content. However, we are often unaware that small yellow fruits are high in Vitamin C content and other nutrients that could enhance our health in varieties of ways.

     Lemons are packed with Vitamin C, antioxidants and a refreshing flavor that you probably like. Lemon drinks are good for those who are curious of their increase in weight. Today we are going to give you 5 recipes for lemon infused drinks which you can drink instead of plain water or sugary drinks.
1: Lemon Chia Seed Water

Chia seeds make you feel satiated and naturally prevents overeating in a day. They make you feel full and suppress hunger pangs for a long period of time. Two tablespoons of chia seeds can give you 40% percent of the fiber required for a day. It is a type of superfood which is full of nutrients and really boosts your energy. One glass of Lemon Chia Seed Water can burn minimum 6 calories of energy. 

What You Need:
  • One teaspoon of Chia Seeds
  • One fresh lemon
  • A few mint leaves
Begin the process by soaking chia seeds in a glass of water for one hour. This will allow them to absorb water and expand. Chop mint leaves and add them into chia seeds water then squeeze the juice of lemon. Stir to blend all the flavors together. 
      Always drink this lemon chia seed water fresh to get all the wonderful benefits. You can have this drink twice a day either early morning, mid-morning or early evening.

2: Lemon Cucumber Infused Water

Cucumber has many medical healing properties for our body. When it comes to losing weight, cucumbers are light on calories and heavy on nutrients. It's a healthy snack and it's a great choice to lose pounds. Cucumbers help to detoxify the body and it will remove harmful toxins. Cucumbers help aid the liver in cleaning up the blood, helping the toxins get out of your system.

      When it comes to hydration, our body consists of 65-70% water and cucumbers consist mostly of water. So, for people who don't drink much water, cucumbers are one of the most hydrating foods that you can put inside your body. 

Let's make a simple lemon cucumber infused water in the following steps:

What You Need:
  • 4-6 thin slices of cucumber
  • One juicy lemon
Let the cucumber and lemon slices mingle and infuse into this water for about 1 hour. This allows the flavor to blend. You can drink this either in mid-morning or early evening.

3: Lemon Cinnamon Tea

Lemon and cinnamon are two very healthy food choices that can improve your health a number of different ways. One of the simplest and easiest way to obtain these healthy benefits is to create lemon and cinnamon tea. Cinnamon is considered as a very heart healthy and has been linked to reduce heart disease. Studies have shown that cinnamon consumption can help to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. 

    Drinking Lemon and Cinnamon tea is a great source of powerful and unique antioxidants. Lemons are high in Vitamin C which can provide powerful antioxidant effects. Cinnamon also helps to lower the blood glucose level and reduces hunger pack to help you lose weight effectively.

What You Need:
  • One Lemon
  • One teaspoon Cinnamon powder
Begin by adding one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Heat cinnamon infused water until it reaches boil. Let it cool and strain it. Now add lemon juice and stir well. The lemon tanginess will harmonize beautifully with the earthy cinnamon. Your aromatic tea is ready, and you may have it once in a day either early morning or early evening. 

4: Lemon Ginger Tea

Ginger has a ton of amazing properties. It has
115 known antioxidants and phytonutrients which have a variety of anti-inflammatory properties. It has the potential to decrease insulin and people are using it since thousands of years. The combination of Ginger and Lemon aids faster in digestion of blood, which additionally helps people to have quality sleep. 

      Ginger helps to reduce insulin resistance which helps in turn in reducing your weight. Lemon Ginger Tea is best for those people who occasionally suffer from flu/cold and when people experience severe congestion.

What You Need:
  • 1 Cup of water
  • Half lemon
  • Half an inch of fresh Ginger
Start by boiling the water. As the water reaches the gentle boil, pour in the ginger juice. Now add a half lemon juice and your revitalizing Lemon Ginger Tea is ready. 

5: Barley Lemon Drink

Barley is loaded with high fiber and nutrients. It improves the digestion and reduces the constipation. Consuming Barley Lemon drink helps to lower the bad cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It also helps in weight loss, and it is a great remedy for urinary tract infection. Barley contains a whole host of essential nutrients, including soluble or insoluble fiber, vitamins, essential minerals such as calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc and copper. Regularly drinking Barley Lemon Drink, such as a glass before breakfast, helps you to flush out toxins from your body.

       Barley is an excellent source of fiber, making it a great option for people seeking to lose weight, as it tends to fill you up for a longer time, therefore, cutting down your food intake. When you drink a glass of Barley Lemon water with breakfast, the fiber from the beverage will take longer to pass through your digestive system, helping you to stay away from those naughty mid-morning snacks.

What You Need: 
  • 1 teaspoon of Barley
  • 1 Lemon
  • Few Mint Leaves
  • A pinch of Cumin powder
  • A pinch of Salt
Soak barley seeds for overnight. Strain the barley water into a glass. In this, squeeze lemon juice and add chopped mint leaves then add a little powder and a pinch of salt. Give this drink a stir and it is ready. You can choose to have this drink either mid-morning or evening. 

       Today you have read about 5 lemon-based drinks that are not only delicious but also beneficial for weight loss goals, including anyone or all of these drinks in rotation into your daily routine can complement a balanced diet. And an active lifestyle can help you achieve your fitness goals faster. 
Stay Hydrated and Stay Motivated. 
