Our body gives the lowest intention to our hairs. This is when hair our body doesn't get adequate nutrition, it ignores hair and focuses on other organs. But still, beautiful hairs add an aesthetic look in us. Considering the high stress of today, bad food and cosmetic choices, hair fall has become common even among teenagers. 

       So, understanding that hair does add value to our life, let's talk about 5 amazing foods that prevent hair fall completely within few times.

1: Almonds

Almonds are probably the best source of biotin, making them an excellent natural alternative to artificial biotin supplements. Science showed that application of almond oil to scalp increased hair growth as compared to mice treated with placebo. Almonds contain special fatty acids like oleic acid and linoleic acid, which are proven as DHT blockers. Vitamin E is another proven anti hair fall nutrient for which almonds are a dependable source.

      There are many ways in which we can consume almonds in our diet. However, there are 3 ways which are most practical. First, soak 4 almonds in water, peel the skin off and chew them until become liquid in your mouth. Secondly, start having 1 tablespoon of unsweetened almond butter. Third, have a teaspoon of sweet almond oil in a glass of milk before going to sleep at night.

2: Amla

Amla is a time-tested traditional medicine in almost every country to promote hair and scalp health. Not surprisingly, today every product out there, be it a shampoo, conditioner or a hair oil, boasts of amla are included in it. There was a study done on rabbits and rats. Researchers placed patches containing amla oil in various concentrations on the animal's fur and monitored fur growth for 15 days. They found that amla oil caused significant and rapid fur growth and made fur healthier. 

        Since amla is rich in antioxidants, when consumed as food, clinical studies show that Amla acts as a powerful hair regenerator, stimulating the hair follicles strengthening the roots. A study proved that the Amla is among the top DHT blocking foods. Amla is filled with all good things, but problem is that it's too sour. But there are some good ways in which you can consume Amla easily. You can consume Amla in following 4 ways:

1) Buy Amla juice of any reputed brand and dilute it with equal amount of water. Drink it 30 minutes before breakfast.
2) Amla candy with honey is a healthy snack option that you can keep handy with yourself. 
3) Raw Amla when gets boiled with rice or curry gets easy to eat and to be consumed as pickle.
4) Amla tablet is also available these days.

3: Buttermilk

Buttermilk or well churned yoghurt, mixed with the double amount of water and spied approximately is a hair elixir. How? Consider the plant whose leaves are. What could be the reason? Does the problem lie with the leaves. Quite obviously, the problem lies with the roots of the plant. Similarly, the roots of hair fall lie in the stomach. In fact, when an 88-year-old Chinese man suffering from alopecia, went through a fecal transplant, saw a sudden hair regrowth on bald patches. 
      So, if you are suffering from indigestion, your body won't be able to absorb the vital hair nutrients from the food and as a result hair get weaker and eventually fall. Thats where buttermilk helps as it is rich in probiotics and lactic acid. When Buttermilk is consumed post lunch, it strengthens the roots i.e., the digestive system which then easily absorbs vital hair nutrients, from the consumed food. It also reduces body heat, another major cause of hair falling.

4: Curry Leaves

Modern studies suggested that if one starts consuming curry leaves on a regular basis, not only hair breakage will reduce but also hair health will get much better. Thats because curry leaves are an amazing source of Vitamin B and antioxidants, which contribute to cellular regeneration and promote healthy circulation to the blood vessels in the scalp making it among the top foods to prevent hair fall and hair thinning. The amino acid content that strengthens hair fiber is also very high in curry leaves. 

      Surveys have shown that people in southern part of India have significantly lesser hair problems. One concrete reason is that they use curry leaves to temper their lentils and vegetables. Those who are suffering from hair fall should make curry leaves a part of their daily diet. A way to get the most from curry leaves is to start consuming them raw. Pluck 4-5 curry leaves and simply chew them. Chew them well so that they can turn into liquid into your mouth. It will hardly take 2 minutes but within a few weeks you will visibly notice a difference in your hair. 

5: Carrot 

Studies have shown a strong connection between Vitamin A i.e. Beta carotene deficiency and hair breakage. Well there isn't a better food than carrot. Just 100 grams of carrots have a copious 16000 international units of Vitamin A. Apart from it, carrots have significant amount of biotin which is well known for accelerating the Keratin production. Keratin is the product of which hair are made. You will be surprised to know that carrots are a natural DHT blocker food as well. Science confirms that DHT is one of the main causes of hair fall especially in men. 

      The hair supplementation industry runs on two things, biotin and DHT blocking pills. And both of them are present in carrots. Today carrot oil is also making the rounds in this space. In fact, in a study when a group applied carrot oil on scalp, within few days, it was seen that a greater number of hair follicles got active as compared to 1% Minoxidil solution. Carrot also contains vital hair nutrients like Vitamin E, C and K along with strong antioxidants that prevent aging on hair.
 Carrots can be consumed as:
1: A plate of salad before lunch or dinner
2: Eat carrots after cooking them
3: Making soup
4: Eating raw carrots

To sum up, curry leaves, almonds, carrots, buttermilk and amla are top 5 foods that can prevent hairfall. There are various ways by which you can include them. 
  • In the morning, have 4 teaspoons of amla mixed with equal amounts of water.
  • While making breakfast, lunch and dinner, try to add curry leaves as an ingredient.
  • Dont forget to end your lunch with a glass of spiced buttermilk. 
  • Almonds can be your evening snack option. 
  • Add crushed almonds to milk or better would be to add sweet almond oil to milk at night.
  • Keep Amla Honey candy bags as on the go to  snack option.