Some models are blessed with good genes but that doesn't mean that they don't do anything to maintain their fabulous figures. It actually takes a lot of hard work and dedication to shed excess pounds and stay in shape. But did you know that a fit body is made in the kitchen. Sure, exercise helps but the affect is not as significant as diet. Even though you may have an intense workout routine, it won't mean anything if you still eat crappy food every day.

            Most models follow a very strict diet especially when you are preparing for an upcoming fashion show or photoshoot. They make a lot of sacrifices and devote most of their time to making their bodies look perfect. Models don't eat randomly, they plan everything, and some have their own private chefs. 90% of what they eat is always good wholesome and nutritious. 

   Let's take a look at the top 10 fat burning foods that models eat to stay lean. 

1: Leafy Greens

It's no secret that leafy greens are a staple for all models. They can't seem to have their breakfast, lunch or dinner without having leafy greens veggies on the plate. They have loads of nutritional content that make them perfect for losing weight. The best thing about leafy greens is they tend to be low in calories, no matter how much you eat them you won't get significant weight. They are very low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. 

         They are a great way to increase the volume of your meals without adding too many additional calories. The most popular leafy greens are spinach, kale and arugula. They are at their superfood when you eat them raw. You can also mix them in a salad and add some delicious dressing.

2: Organic Egg & Whole Toast

This is the most popular breakfast amongst Victoria Secret Angels. It's simple easy to make and is highly nutritious. Most models start their day early since they have to be productive and because of that they generally don't have much time to spend preparing a complicated breakfast. Thats why an organic egg and whole wheat toast are the go-to breakfast menu for most models. 

        Eggs are perfect for weight loss because they are rich in protein. An organic egg is much healthier than a regular egg because it has a lower cholesterol level and whole wheat toast is chosen instead of a bagel or regular toast because it contains much more fiber.

3: Nuts and Legumes 

These are the biggest sources of plant-based protein. Nuts and legumes are rich in protein, magnesium and fiber. Those are the nutrients that have been proven to increase muscle mass and promote satiety. This will help you with the feeling of fullness which ultimately leads to lower calorie intake. Instead of eating regular salty snacks, many models usually opt for nuts as their snack of choice.

       Most snacks you see in store are little more than junk food, they are high in calories, sodium oil and fats while peanuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and pecans all contain healthy fats and inflammation fighting fatty acids. These healthy fatty acids also provide a lot of antioxidants to help improve general health. Not only they help to reduce belly fat but they are also rich in omegas which is good for your brain.

4: Fish 

To get Omega-3 fatty acids and protein, fish is one of the best sources however models aren't just going to eat any old kind of fish. The fish has to be high in omega and low fat. The most popular on their menus are salmon and tuna. Those fishes are rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids and healthy fats. This will help to improve metabolism and build more muscle. If you combine this with an intense workout routine, you will achieve a lean and toned body much faster. The good thing about having more muscle mass is it increases resting metabolism. This way your body will still burn fat even when you are resting. 

5: Cruciferous Veggies

Another type of veggies that will help your lose weight journey are cruciferous vegetables. The most common cruciferous veggies readily available are broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts. These types of vegetables are the best and containing high amounts of fiber. It helps to improve your digestion system as well as making you feel fuller for longer. Another great thing about them is that they are rich in protein as compared to other veggies. 

6: Lean Meat & Chicken Breasts 

Other than fish, lean meat and chicken breasts are also menu stables for models. Meat and Chicken don't contain Omega-3 fatty acids like fish, but the protein content is much higher. Models usually have chicken breast or lean meat for lunch, and they eat it with loads of veggies. On the side, protein is the most fulfilling nutrient you can get. Having a high protein intake everyday can help you burn hundreds of calories a day.

        Studies have shown that consuming good quality and clean meat can cut cravings by 60% and aid weight loss by up to one pound per week.

7: Whole Grains

Whole grains are also high sources of protein besides nuts and legumes. Instead of consuming too much white rice, you should opt for whole grains. White rice contains too much and high level of carbohydrate. For these reasons, whole grains would be a better alternative for you. The most common replacement for white rice is brown rice, oats and quinoa. These grains offer far more fiber and protein but it wont spike your insulin level as white rice does.

8: Fruits

Your diet will be less colorful if you don't incorporate fruits into your meals. If you want in every meal, you could have some sort of fruit on the side. This can also be a replacement for sugary desserts. Fruits feature big time in a model's time. The most common fruits that models eat to lose weight are avocadoes, berries, oranges and bananas. Avocados are full of healthy fats while berries and oranges are rich in antioxidants. 

9: Coffee & Tea

Last but not the least Tea & Coffee before working out in the morning. Many models opt for coffee or tea instead of a meal when they don't feel like eating. It helps to curb their appetite yet also provides some nutrients and an energy boost. Bear in mind that the same affects cannot be achieved if sugar and cream are added to your beverages. 

        If you want to get the maximum results, it should be black coffee or plain hot tea. Adding sugar will increase the calories and make you feel sluggish instead of energetic. If you are someone who doesn't enjoy breakfast, then just have a cup of coffee or tea to boost your metabolism. 


Just because models tend to follow a strict diet does not mean that they just eat steamed broccoli for lunch and drink only water. Sure there are some trade-offs since they cant eat hamburgers and pizzas every day. Models are paid to look good and for that they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle but they can still delicious meals. They have a wide array of menus. Everyday its always exciting and appetizing. Models eat like a regular person but just much healthier. It takes a lot of hard work to maintain a model's figure. If you want to have a lean and toned body like models, don't forget to incorporate these top 9 fat burning foods into your diet.