It’s everyone’s dream to have radiant and younger looking skin. How delighted we feel when people think we look much younger than we actually are, it’s like the best compliment you can get. However, as we get older and busier everyday it becomes more of a challenge to take proper care of our skin. Not only we have time for our skin but we also don’t have time to cook healthy meals. A poor lifestyle seems to be the norm in the world we live in today. Premature
aging is now a common problem for many people which is caused by poor diet and bad habits. 

     There are some things which you can do to save yourself and bring the glow back to your skin. Instead of doing fancy treatments and spending your savings on needless procedures, instead of that we will show you the tackle the core problem. Here are 15 things to avoid for younger looking skin:

1: Smoking

A cigarette is definitely your biggest enemy if you want long life and younger looking. Smoking is one of the biggest destroyers of a healthy complexion. Not only does it cause wrinkles and increase skin coloration, but it also makes you look dull. Smoking is not worth all negative effects it has on your health. It increases the risk of many types of cancer particularly lung cancer. 

2: Too much sun exposure 

Sunlight can be beneficial but too much exposure to the sun can do more harm than good. If you get enough sunlight, your body will produce Vitamin D and release feel-good hormones. But you need to be careful if you spend your day under the harsh sun without adequate protection. You can significantly increase your chances of getting skin cancer. 

       We don’t advice avoiding sun exposure since your body needs it but limit your exposure to just 15-30 minutes a day before it reaches its peak time around noon tome. 

3: Processed foods

Not only processed food is terrible for your skin but it’s also bad for your overall health. There are so many additives in processed foods to enhance the taste and make it look appealing. Processed food is low in nutritional value because processing strips most of the nutritional content away, making it little more than empty calories. If you want to eat well and save money, so always buy fresh whole food at your local market. 

4: Alcohol 

Another substance you should actively avoid in your quest for better looking skin is excessive amount of alcohol. You can still enjoy an occasional drink but it’s a much smarter move to cut alcohol out of your life completely. Drinking alcoholic beverages is fun but they are actually very rough on your skin. It dehydrates your skin which ultimately leads to damage, and it will make you look older than you actually are. 

5: Sugary foods

It goes without saying that sugary foods are bad for your health but more than that they can lead to other life-threatening diseases like diabetes and obesity. Sugar laden foods will stab your energy, leaving you tired and unmotivated. Studies have shown that a high sugar intake is linked to the development of wrinkles. 

6: Canned & instant meals 

Consuming canned foods and instant meals are worse for your overall health. They are typically full of additives and preservatives. The high level of sodium can cause dehydration which can lead to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. They can also cause cancer if you eat them continuously for an extended period. 


7: Fried items 

Oily food is a big-no when it comes to your health. Not only it does affect your internal organs, but it also affects your skin. Consuming too much fried foods can increase the risk of type II diabetes and heart diseases. When you suffer from chronic diseases like these, you will look dull and much older than you actually are. The presence of inflammation makes you feel swollen, tired and run down. If you like to eat fried foods, try using an air-fryer instead of deep frying. It can also help to reduce fat and lower cholesterol.

8: Lack of sleep 

Enough sleep is crucial to keep you looking fresh and young. People who get less than six hours of sleep always tend to look tired. They can’t function properly and their skin is wrinkled. Poor sleep quality also diminishes the skin’s barrier. 

9: Stress

Lack of sleep usually leads to stress and when you are stressed, your body releases more stress hormones. This hormones will break down the collagen that keeps your skin hydrated and smooth. If you’re stressed, you’ll notice that your skin is not as radiant as before. It happens because your skin doesn’t have enough collagen to keep it hydrated. 

    Don’t let yourself stuck in stressful situation for too long, otherwise you’ll start to develop sagging and fine lines in your early life. 

10: Scrubbing your skin too hard

Exfoliating is essential for getting rid of dead skin cells on your body but don’t scrub your skin too hard. It will irritate your skin and eliminate the skin barrier which will speed up the anti-aging process. Just wash your skin gently to remove dirt and pollution. After exfoliation, don’t forget to apply moisturizer. It is the key to your healthy-looking skin and gives your skin a youthful appearance.

11: Lack of exercise 

Lack of exercise won’t only make your skin age faster but it also makes your energy level low. Besides eating, you also have to stay active. Regular physical exercise will make you look and feel young at the same time it strengthens your muscles, improves your mood and boosts your energy. Exercise can keep your brain sharp and protect you from deadly diseases. 


     It’s all about lifestyle. Now you that many factors contribute to the aging process: your diet, habits and environment around you. All have an impact on your overall health including your appearance. The key to having healthy and youthful looking skin is to live a balanced life, eat healthy, stay active and get enough rest.Â