Anti-aging is something we often see as a selling point on skincare products. It’s not a bad thing as long as you keep in mind that aging is not something you can avoid. It’s a natural process that everybody goes through, but there are some natural ways by which we can slow down this process. Skincare products can only do so much, that’s when the food you eat becomes equally as important in the battle against the encroaching years.

      Stock up these foods in your fridge to achieve healthy and young skin from the inside out.

1: Avocado

Apart from applying sunscreen whenever you leave the house , avocados are also great at helping to prevent sun-related skin damage. They are also often used in face masks. Avocados are rich in mono saturated fat as well as antioxidants lutein. These elements are responsible for protecting your skin while also improving your skin tone. The high level of healthy oils and fat along with vitamin c and e are great for cell regeneration. 

2: Berries and greens

Many fruits and vegetables are highly beneficial to our health but when it comes to skin health, berries and green vegetables are particularly good. Spinach, kale and collards are the all-round nutritional powerhouses. Studies have shown that people who eat 2-3 servings of leafy per week are less likely to develop skin cancer. Fruits and vegetables owe their vibrant colors to antioxidants and berries are a wonderful source. If your diet includes blueberries, raspberries, cherries and, the likes, you get a range of protective antioxidants that shield your skin from free radicals.

3: Dark Chocolate 

The antioxidant profile you can find in dark chocolate is unbeatable. It has flavanols which are a very potent typr of antioxidant. With this element alone, dark chocolate is even more powerful than berries. Research suggests that it may help to reduce blood pressure, increase insulin sensitivity as well as improve arterial features. The higher the cocoa content, the higher the flavanol is. Make sure you are getting a bar with at least 70% cocoa for the best benefits.

4: Green Tea

Green tea has the power to treat acne due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory advantages. It’s useful for healing scars and blemishes, detoxifying skin and keeping your skin supple. Green tea contains vitamin k which is helpful for lightening dark circles under the eyes so make sure to refrigerate your green tea bags and put them under your eyes to get rid of puffy eyes and dark circles. 

5: Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, a highly beneficent type of antioxidant. Not only it is know for its anti-aging properties, but it also help to prevent heart diseases. Lycopene performs best once it’s cooked so this is the perfect time to try out any tomato based dishes you’ve been fancying. Studies have shown that women who eat a mixture of food that is high in lycopene and other plant-based antioxidants show a measurable decrease in wrinkle depth after 15 weeks.

6: Greek yoghurt 

The greek in greek yoghurt is something you need to pay attention on. Most yoghurt products available in your nearby grocery store aren’t as healthy as they are advertised. Greek yoghurt is mainly rich in vitamin b which helps detoxify the skin. The lactic acid contained in greek yoghurt can also help exfoliate your skin as well as reducing the signs of aging. 

7: Nuts

You should replace your savory indulgences with nuts and beans once in a while. Vitamin E which is found in almonds, peanuts and walnuts is particularly great for your skin. Vitamin E taken orally also seems to increase its level on the skin’s surface which is good news for those with dry skin. Its also a potent antioxidant that protects your skin from damages caused by free radicals.

8: Turmeric 

From beauty gurus to top chefs, everyone is crazy over this spice and  it’s justified for many good reasons aside from the antioxidant, turmeric promotes collagen synthesis. These are the properties that gives skin its elasticity and firmness. In addition to that, they also have the power to fight wrinkles and fine lines. You can easily find turmeric in your whole foods. It is best to buy it fresh and grate it yourself rather than buying the powdered form unless it’s your only option.

9: Sweet Potato 

It’s a versatile starchy vegetable that you can find almost anywhere in the world. They come in different sizes and colors, including white, orange and purple. With rich vitamins, antioxidants and fiber, there are so many health benefits sweet potatoes can bring. Sweet potatoes are also a great alternative source of carbs. The high level of Vitamin A in sweet potatoes is credited with helping to reduce oil production in the skin and can be used to to treat acne. 

   Healthy skin starts from the inside. Keeping your skin healthy is all about knowing what you apply and consume. In fact, what you eat can have a direct impact on how you look and it doesn’t take long to notice the difference. Having the right balance between using beauty products and consuming highly nutritious food is the key. You can have healthy and young skin without spending hundreds of dollars on beauty products. Changing your diet alone is enough to reach the goal of having that glowing, radiant and gorgeous skin.Â