Having long and shiny hairs is everyone's dreams. But it is not easy to achieve and maintain them as it requires proper care, balanced diet & lifestyle and a bit of patience. Nowadays everyone are having the problems of hair loss, so below are some tips which you should take into account to avoid hair problems. 

1) Shampoo Regularly
Shampoo your scalp on a regular basis. How often? That's going to vary from person to person depending on things like hair type, age and how oily the scalp tends to be as oil accumulates on your scalp and the roots of your hair. The microorganisms that naturally live on our skin can start to breakdown excessive sebum creating inflammatory mediators. This can lead to a lot of irritation in the scalp with hair breakage and it actually can affect the hair growth cycle. 

2) Dietary Protein
Diet is one of the most important things when it comes to the growth of your hair, overall health, shine and quality the hair that your body makes. Proteins that contain amino acids that have sulfur in them like methionine and cystine are critical for the formation of hair keratins and ultimately the growth of hair, the rate of hair growth, the diameter of your hair and the synthesis of those hair keratins depends on the amino acid cysteine which you get from the dietary protein.
     Another Amino Acid that we get from dietary proteins is l-lysine that plays a critical part in the health of the root of your hair. I-lysine dictates the shape of your hair and volume in addition to it directs roles in hair growth. It's also important for the absorption of zinc and iron. Zinc and Iron are also really important for building strong healthy hair. At a minimum, it is recommended that you consume 0.8 grams protein per kilogram of body weight however depending on your activity level, you may have much greater protein needs. You can get all of your protein needs from dietary sources such as legumes, nuts, seeds and vegetables. 

3) Vitamins

You should consider Vitamins in your diet. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a type of hair loss called telogen effluvium or hair shedding. Vitamin D is synthesized in our skin upon exposure to sunlight specifically UVB and is also acquired through dietary sources. There are some other factors too that play a role in Vitamin d deficiency for example: people who are overweight have higher levels of hormone leptin and as a result, this can actually impair the conversion of vitamin d to its bioactive form. So people who are overweight or obese are more at risk for vitamin d deficiency because of impaired conversion to the active forms. 
    Vitamin D promotes hair follicle differentiation which is really important for healthy hairs. In the diet, you can get Vitamin D from full fat dairy fortified foods such as mushroom and yeast. 

4) Carbohydrates
Consumption of highly processed foods that are rich in simple sugars can have adverse effects on the health of your hair by raising your blood sugar too quickly which results in higher level of insulin. It can lead to an increased production of sebum and the microorganisms that naturally live on your skin including your scalp, the start to break down the excess sebum into triacylglycerols and inflammatory compounds. This increase in inflammation in the scalp which is not going to benefit the growth of your hair. 
   Carbohydrates is rich in fibers such as whole grains, breads, legumes, cereals etc. These will fuel you and help actually in controlling blood sugar level. 

5) Fat
Fat is really important for the health of your hair and makes your hair shiny. Dietary fats are important for the synthesis of steroid hormones and for the hydration of hair shaft. Inadequate consumption of fatty acids can result in hair loss so make sure that you are getting enough omega 3 fatty acids. Sources of omega 3 fatty acids include things like walnuts, flaxseed and plant oils. 

6) Scalp Massage

According to a study, in which nine underwent a daily scalp massage for 24 weeks which resulted in hair thickness and diameter. Massaging your hairs regularly can help blood flow which results in making your hair shiny, stronger and healthier. 
    For more good results, you can massage your hair with any good quality hair oil such as castor oil, coconut oil, argan oil etc. 

7) Stress Management
Stress plays a major role in our hair health and hair growth. When you are stressed out, your body goes into the protective mode which shifts the hair cycle away from growing towards shedding which is called telogen effluvium. It typically presents three months after a stressful event but in people who are chronically under a lot of stress, they can experience ongoing telogen effluvium and loads of hair shedding. 

8) Avoid Smoking

Smoking impairs blood flow period and will cause hair thinning and for that reason it also generates a ton of free radical damage. It's very inflammatory and also produces toxins that damage DNA in our hair, so that our hair cells cannot divide and grow. 

9) Deep Conditioning
Deep condition is really the key to have silkier and shinier hairs. You should treat your hairs with deep conditioning at least once or twice a week. It helps in restoring moisture, damaging repair and promotes overall health.

 So these were are some of the tips for growing hair long and healthy. It takes patience and consistency. Diet really does play a major role in the health of your hairs. Having a balanced diet is important for the strength of hair. One can also control inflammation through consistent shampooing and blood flow through scalp massage with a good hair oil such as argan oil, coconut oil, castor oil etc.

      By following the above tips, It will be easy for you to unlock the secrets of beautiful and shinier hairs that will turn the heads away. 
